The Northwest Pennsylvania (NW PA) Veteran Suicide Prevention Program operates on a three-pronged approach involving healthcare providers, community organizations, and Veterans and their families in the 15 counties of NW PA. As May is Mental Health Awareness Month we wanted to share this information about the VA Caregiver Support program. Caregivers have higher levels of stress and are more prone to depression than non-caregivers. Because they spend much of their time caring for someone else, it may be difficult to focus on their personal needs. For these reasons, it’s important to recognize and support a caregiver’s mental health and well-being.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about publicizing the NW PA Veteran Suicide Prevention Program in your community, please reach out to us.
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What is the Caregiver Support Program (CSP)?
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) wants to raise awareness of the help available to those who care for our Nation’s Veterans. Visit VA’s Mental Health webpage to learn where to get help when you need it, explore tips and resources by topic, and find the right options for your specific needs.
The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) is dedicated to caring for the mental health needs of those who care for Veterans. Take a moment to explore the #LiveWholeHealth blog to find information about how best to take care of your own physical, emotional, and mental health. Additionally, we offer a wide range of resources designed to connect you with fellow caregivers and coaches who truly understand your unique journey. These resources include Peer Support Mentoring, Building Better Caregivers® (BBC), and Resources for Enhancing All Caregivers Health (REACH) VA.
If you or the Veteran for whom you provide care need to talk, contact the Veterans Crisis Line for 24/7, confidential crisis support. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. Dial 988 then Press 1 or text 838255.
Caregiving is an act of love. Don’t forget to show love to yourself along the way. VA and CSP encourage you to use these valuable tools and programs as you navigate your caregiving role.
Need help? Reach out to your CSP team
Every VA facility has a CSP team that provides support and referrals to services. They provide valuable information about resources that can help you stay informed and supported as you care for your Veteran. Reach out to your CSP team to learn about more resources and events in your local area.
Looking to Get Involved?
Whether you identify as a healthcare provider, community organization, or Veteran, there are several opportunities through the NW PA Veteran Suicide Prevention Program and PERU to connect to resources, participate in educational training, and promote harm reduction strategies. We are actively recruiting healthcare and community partners to work with us in meeting our goals and objectives. To learn more, visit the program website at
Need Help? Know Someone Who Does? Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or use the online Lifeline Crisis Chat. Both are free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.