How to Talk Away the Dark
The Northwest Pennsylvania (NW PA) Veteran Suicide Prevention Program operates on a three-pronged approach involving healthcare providers, community organizations, and Veterans and their families. Because of this focus, we’re providing information about the Talk Away the Dark campaign from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Sharing with personal and professional networks is encouraged.
Talking is the First Step to Preventing Suicide
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has a new public service announcement that highlights some of the common warning signs for suicide and encourages honest conversation to connect those at risk to help.
Suicide is a topic that hides in the shadows. All too often it goes unaddressed, even when we may sense someone is struggling. You can make a difference by learning the warning signs, knowing the risk factors, and bravely having a REAL open and honest conversation with someone you care about. Learn more with AFSP’s tools, resources and creative ways to help.
Visit the Talk Away the Dark website to access:
- Conversation starters
- What to do if someone tells you they’re thinking of suicide
- How to talk to a suicide loss survivor
- Reaching out for help
- Read true stories from real people
Participate in QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training can help develop risk awareness and confidence in having open conversations with loved ones. QPR is a 2-hour evidence-based program in which individuals are educated about the warning signs of a suicide crisis then taught how to respond, how to offer hope, and how to get help.
- Recall facts about suicide and suicide prevention.
- Identify warning signs of suicide.
- Demonstrate how to ask someone directly about their desire or intent regarding suicide.
- Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal skills used to persuade someone who is having thoughts of suicide to seek and accept help.
- Identify local resources available to help someone who is having thoughts of suicide.
- Describe how to get help for someone having thoughts of suicide.
Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a training session for your business, community organization, or professional association. A printable pdf of our training course list is available to download and share.
Looking to Get Involved?
Whether you identify as a healthcare provider, community organization, or Veteran, there are several opportunities through the NW PA Veteran Suicide Prevention Program and PERU to connect to resources, participate in educational training, and promote harm reduction strategies. We are actively recruiting healthcare and community partners to work with us in meeting our goals and objectives. To learn more, visit the program website at
Need Help? Know Someone Who Does? Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or use the online Lifeline Crisis Chat. Both are free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.